Woman Shows The Power Of Makeup With Incredible Before and After Video! [Watch]
Youtuber and beauty blogger, Nikkie from Nikkie Tutorials.com is on a mission to stop makeup shaming. In an effort to show the fun and power of makeup she created this unique video and shares her incredible before and after profiles to show us how makeup can completely transform your look. “It’s as if putting makeup on to have fun is a shame,” says Nikki. “Therefore, I thought it would be cool to show you the power of makeup. A transformation. Because makeup… is FUN!” Whether you love makeup or not you need to watch this incredible video!
In this video, a bare-faced Nikkie chats to viewers about makeup-shaming and says she was motivated to create the video to show how fun makeup can be. “I just want people to know that makeup is fun and there are no rules to makeup, and if you wanna go super sharp-contour for the day, do it,” says Nikkie,
Watch the full video here: