Head Over Heels in Love with Feather Extensions! [Review]

Feather Friends

I’ve always been a bit of a flower child at heart. Sure, I went through a brief punk-rock stage at varsity but the idea of wearing flowly clothes, going bare foot and wearing flowers in my hair has always appealed to me. It may be because flowy clothes are so much more comfy than bodycon dresses and skinny jeans and having pretty flowers in your hair quite easily detracts from the fact that you haven’t washed it in 2 days but that’s a mystery for another day. But why I am telling you this? Well, it’s all because I am dying to tell you all about my most favourite hair accessories stores; Feather Friends and their oh-so-amazing feather extensions. Hair feathers are by far the best thing I’ve discovered in the past year and I can’t go a day without wearing my favourite Feather Friends extension.

I discovered feather extensions, and Feather Friends early last year and have been slowly collecting them in every colour imaginable ever since. Blue, brown, pink and white; you name it I’ve probably got it! I am so obsessed with hair feathers that I even bought my own home installation kit so I don’t have to keep bugging the ladies at Feather Friends to put them in for me. If you haven’t caught on to the hair feather trend yet then you are missing out on what is quite possibly the most fun you will ever have with your hair. Forget dying your hair; feathers are the future!

Feather Friends

It doesn’t matter what colour or length your hair is, there is a feather to suit you. Unlike with hair dye, you can also choose how wild you want to go and there’s no commitment involved – I started off slowly with 2 feathers to match my redish brown hair and today I am super comfortable rocking up to 6 feathers of all different colours in my hair all at once. And, if you get sick of it or work a corporate job where they frown upon having awesome hair then you can just take them out and put them back in when the hair feather bug next hits. Hair feathers are super awesome because they can be used again and again as long as you look after them.

Feather Friends

The feather extensions are inserted into your hair using a silicone lined micro bead so it doesn’t cause any damage to your hair and will grow out naturally. The micro beads come in an assortment of colours to match to your own hair colour (including blonde, brown, dark brown and black). Once they’ve grown out too much simply brush your hair gently to release the bead or squeeze and release the bead. I also love that the feathers can be washed, flat ironed and blow-dried like normal hair without getting damaged. This means you can put them in and forget all about them until it’s time to take them out.

The Feather Friends feathers are also super affordable and great quality (in fact they supply feathers to loads of big salons who offer feather insertions!) and can be ordered online or through a Feather Friends agent in Joburg and Cape Town. The feathers start from R50 for single feather extensions and go up to R60 for medium accent feather extensions. A installation tool kit will set you back R150 for a threading tool and pliers to secure the bead.

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Esse Pro-Sun D

Feather Friends

But wait, there’s more! Feather Friends also stocks all sorts of other products that will speak to your inner flower child. From flower ribbon head bands, ribbon sandals and metallic tattoos they’ve got it all. Their range of Dolly Wire headbands (R60) are too sweet for words and scream 50s glam and their range of flower head bands are absolutely perfect for summer festivals and those days when you want to look as pretty as a peach.

To order your feathers visit the Feather Friends online store and say Hi to Feather Friends on Facebook for news on new stock as well as specials.

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